Lucy is 19 years old. She’s from Leeds and she is studying English literature at the University of Stirling, in Scotland. Moving out of her parent’s home wasn’t easy, she misses home-made dinners and well-ironed clothes. Lucy still loves to go home every month to see her parents and her two little brothers Ian and Evan, but she does already love her independence! She has the best time in Stirling and she’s made a lot of new friends since fresher’s week. She has a part time job in a local sport retailer to earn some extra money. Lucy is very busy. Follow her journey to improve her well-being at uni.


Lucy feels overwhelmed at the moment. She is too busy!!! She tries to reconcile all her tasks and do everything at the same time, but it’s staring to concern her because she’s scraping through. Lucy isn’t really conscious of her well-being’s state at the moment: “This is just a bad period for me…”

The dilemma of long distance relationships & trying to maintain them

Lucy has received an invitation from her best friend to see her favourite Euro Hockey team performing in Leeds for the finale Clubs Championships, front row seats!! It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and her friend is insisting, it’s been ages since they have seen each other… If she attends, she’ll miss her essay deadline and her research project will suffer from it. In the moment, Lucy is stuck and has lost perspective on what she really wants in this situation. The Resilience Engine can help Lucy get perspective.

Dealing with peer pressure & Pressure on results:

Lucy’s seminar on 18th-century women’s authors is her favourite. A few weeks ago, they were given a research assignment. Unfortunately, she didn’t have time to prepare her research because of the hockey championship. This resulted in lower grades for the group, and her teammates are really annoyed with her. What Lucy needs is to prioritise. That’s obvious. What is not obvious is that before she can do this well, she needs to get space to think it all through clearly. The Resilience Engine can help Lucy to go back to the fundamentals of resilience.

Coping at university

A few days after the incident with her teammates, Lucy starts noticing that her life at university isn’t as balanced as she thought it was. She’s missing out on several aspects of her life because she’s too busy and not coping well with so many tasks and changes. She can improve her overall well-being and break the busy cycle. The Resilience Engine can help Lucy to notice, accept, and then change this.

Balancing time & energy

Lucy tries to attend all her lectures, she has a part-time job and she tries to meet friends during her free time. Because she’s so busy, she must often choose between going to the gym in the evening, or cook healthy meals at home, and she doesn’t always feel energised. She’s happy to socialise but she’s sometimes feeling guilty about not studying enough, or not eating proper meals. The Resilience Engine can help Lucy to define her energy levels.

Balancing time & energy (part 2)

Lucy loves to go out with her friends on Saturday nights then meet her family for Sunday roasts. But if she does so, she knows she’ll be tired for her 9 AM lecture on Monday morning. Lucy needs to nurture all aspects of her life that matter for her. But she needs to do that consciously, and to choose her priorities wisely. The Resilience Engine can help Lucy to balance her energy levels.

Dealing with peer pressure & Pressure on results:

Lucy is addicted to her smartphone, it’s glued to her hand 24/7. When Lucy is studying, her mind is always preoccupied with something else: she follows her favourite Love Islanders on Instagram, she takes pictures of her meals and post it in her Instagram stories, and she talks with too many people on WhatsApp. Lately she’s read a post about a new “miracle morning” routine that all celebs have adopted. She’s now also considering getting up at 5 AM to do yoga. Couldn’t she simply leave her smartphone out of the bedroom at night? The Resilience Engine can help Lucy to just be!

The ‘Being Resilient’ Guide

Lucy meets her friend Ross for coffee. He feels relaxed and confident about the incoming end-of-year exams. He explains to Lucy that his uni’s well-being services contacted him with an offer for the ‘Being Resilient’ Guide and that it’s helped him to learn resilience. As they browse through the guide together, Lucy remembers that her university also advertised the ‘Being Resilient’ Guide a few days ago. Having seen her friend tackles his work for the exams inspired Lucy to get the guide for herself. The Resilience Engine can help Lucy to learn what resilience is, and how it has an impact on her well-being.

Happy ending?

Lucy feels good. She still has an important workload and some of her essays are due soon, but she’s confident that she will overcome it. She’s now aware that her resilience and well-being are her priority, and that performance will follow. She’s now happy with her mental health, having completed the ‘Being Resilient’ guide. The Resilience Engine has helped Lucy to learn resilience and finally thrive at university.

The Resilience Engine is helping Lucy and all other students in the UK via the ‘Being Resilient’ online guide, a simple and fun resilience guide based on ten years of research. We have a special offer running for all Universities and Colleges, if you register your interest before September.